суббота, 31 мая 2014 г.

download SRC Companion Pro apk free

SRC Companion Pro


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This app shows the radio messages required in the SRC (Short Range Certificate) according to WRC-07 in GMDSS:

- Distress alert (Mayday)

- Mayday Relay

- Distress acknowledge

- Radio silence (Silence Mayday)

- End of distress (Silence fini)

- Distress cancellation

- Urgency alert (Pan Pan)

- Safety alert (Securite)

- Routine call

To achieve individual and customized messages following items can be changed: Ship name, callsign, MMSI, position, time, boat data of ship in distress, recipient and content of the message (if allowed by the standard).

Additional features:

- The current position and time (UTC) can be determined and inserted in the message automatically.

- The messages can be read out like they have to be spoken (e.g. callsign spelled out)

- The messages can be written like they have to be spoken

- Possibility to switch between GMMDS and standard messages

The app demands only the permission to determine the current position with GPS.

Download .apk

Watchmen is written by Zack Snyder and by David Hayter and Alex Tse. The movie comes out in theaters everywhere on 6th March 2009. Stay tuned for even more Watchmen coverage, photos and more exclusive here at FS SRC Companion Pro 1.2.2 apk free download .

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