DCALC - Diamond Calculator
Download .apk
DCALC gives an easy and innovate way to check on diamonds prices.
*Get Rapaport Prices
Get Rapaport prices in an efortles manner.
Just scrol up and down to get the price
you desire.
*Get percentage
Get your percentages from rap easily.
Just scroll to get the precise price and
*Compare prices
With just a few taps you can compare
between two prices.
Easily tap on the M+ button to make
a comparison.
We know that you are a busy man, you probably don't want to check whether the application already has
the last update from Rapaport or not.
In DCALC we understand that and that's why you don't have to do nothing in order for the application to be updated.
The application will update it self automatically every Friday according to NY time to download the updated prices for you.
Notice that the application will work only with a valid Rapaport login credentials.
Please contact us regarding any suggestion or bug by email. We will return shortly.
Download .apk
What did you think of X - Men Origins: Wolverine? Better or worse than X-Men 3?Now that you 've seen it, what do you have? It is now first The summer movie season has arrived, and this year 's opener is another superhero movie - X - Men Origins: Wolverine download DCALC - Diamond Calculator 1.2 apk . We all know Wolverine is a badass character, but the big question is whether they did it the best, workprint. Do with his origin story or if this is another chaos on par with X-Men 3? Was fan favorite Gambit or Deadpool as awesome? A great action spectacle? Or was that a screw up from start to finish? Sound off below, leave your thoughts, and let us know what you think of X - Men Origins: Wolverine!
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