Medical Marijuana Grow App
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My Grow Log is the ultimate Medical Marijuana grow app to help you increase your grow yields. Quickly set up your Medical Marijuana garden and track as many or as few details that you would like with My Grow Log's vast amount of Medical Marijuana growing features.
My Grow Log Features:
Plants: Simply manage and keep track of important information for as many Medical Marijuana plants you need.
Rooms: Add and manage as many or as few grow rooms as your Medical Marijuana grow will need.
Groups: Organize your Medical Marijuana plants further by putting them into groups by name, type, strain, etc.
Nutrients: Default nutrient types of none, veg, and flower. As well as the ability to add custom nutrient types.
Notifications: Set your account up to send you notifications to your e-mail or mobile device when your Medical Marijuana plants haven't been watered in a specific time frame.
Electricity Calculator: Just like it sounds like calculate the cost of electricity in your Medical Marijuana garden.
Export: Easily export a Excel or CSV file of all the data for each marijuana plant from your grow.
Shopping List: Add what you need for you garden to a simple shopping list. Don't leave the grow store without something!
And much much more!
Install My Grow Log today and start maximizing your Medical Marijuana grow!
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