воскресенье, 1 июня 2014 г.

free Pathophysiology Review torrent download

Pathophysiology Review


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Pathophysiology Review is a comprehensive review app for anyone in an allied health pathophysiology course (e.g. nursing, paramedic) or those looking to challenge pathophysiology through Excelsior College Examinations.

Comprehensive in nature with detailed rationale answers in flash cards and questions, each of this app's 650 items creates an opportunity to prepare for an exam--and to better understand disease processes as a clinical provider.

Pathophysiology Review™ uses the Limmer Creative S-R-T approach to study and contains:

Study: 350 Study cards

Review: 200 Topical review questions

Test: Two 50-question simulated final exams

Pathophysiology Review is broken down into 10 topics by body system including:










Renal and Urologic

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