Smarter Wi-Fi Manager
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Smarter Wi-Fi management: Automatically control your Wi-Fi connection and only connect to wireless networks in areas you trust!
Smarter Wi-Fi automatically learns and enables Wi-Fi where you use it, and disables it when you're not.
Smarter Wi-Fi Manager improves the security and privacy of your device by only enabling Wi-Fi in locations where you actually use it. Instead of letting your device advertise the name of your home network or try to connect to anyone who has left an access point set to the default name just because you once used a friends network who didn't configure it, Smarter Wi-Fi Manager will turn it off when you're not near somewhere you've used Wi-Fi before.
Concerned about city-wide tracking of clients? When your Wi-Fi is turned off, you won't be broadcasting your MAC address.
Learning a new location is as simple as turning on Wi-Fi: As soon as you've successfully connected, Smarter Wi-Fi Manager will start learning the new location and remember it in the future!
Control Wi-Fi by auto-learned location, Bluetooth devices (always turn off Wi-Fi in the car, for example), and time ranges (keep Wi-Fi on from 5 to 9pm).
Smarter Wi-Fi Manager is open source! Find the full source code at
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As for Colbert, he described the debacle simply as'case of he - said - he - gave SEC documents-that - contrary - what - he - said.Romney has the apparent discrepancy by claiming he was on a leave of absence in 1999 in 1999, and that even though he listed as the chief executive Bain s president and sole stockholder as late as 2002, he has retroactively actually from retirement, the company explained this year. download Smarter Wi-Fi Manager 2013.12.33 free android app
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