SMS for SmartWatch2
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NOTE:You need Sony SmartWatch2 device to use this software.
Read / Write SMS message (160 character messaging service, sending via phone number). Customizable presets and software keyboard. Useful to quickly send SMS.
Supports Emoji in Japanese Phones. I'm unaware of how picture icons (emoticons) are handled in other county; let me know and I will try to add support (e.g. replace :-) with smiley icon)
Cyrillic input added in v1.7; I'm not a Cyrillic user, I don't know if this is correct. Any report would be helpful (working good/bad).
Notes and Restrictions:
-To ENTER SAME CHARACTER MORE THAN TWICE,, swipe down/up before entering again.
-Update SmartConnect (later than Dec.4th version) for best performance.
-Sending SMS in this app is independent from Mail app you use in Android device. Sent mail will only be saved in this extension.
-This is not a notification extension, will not notify for new mail arrival.
-There might be a case received SMS does not appear in this extension depending on your device.
-SMS will not automatically resend when send fails, please resend manually.
-Copy in menu will copy text to clipboard. May be useful when you are writing text/mail on android device, and want to copy text from older SMS.
-Internet access is used for Japanese Kana-Chinese character translation (uses Google service for this)
Please feel free to ask requests or report bugs. Since I only speak English / Japanese, I don't know how software keyboard works in different language. If anyone can provide me with detailed information on software keyboard for specific language, I would like to try to add support.
If SW2 is unstable after SW2 management app update, force stop then delete data might fix symptom.
Special Thanks: Providing wonderful icons,, Six Apart Emoji (Six Apart, Ltd.
Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2
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