понедельник, 11 августа 2014 г.

download Tower ID 1.1 apk free

Tower ID


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Eliminate any questions of who owns the communication tower at the site you are located at.

Tower ID uses your device GPS location to gather data from the FCC antenna site registration database and display all the registered sites nearby in a table or a handy map. Manual entry is also available (a long tap on the map gets data from wherever the map is centered also).

The antenna site registration data details for any of the sites shown can be pulled up simply by tapping on the icon next to the site in question. Taller towers appear in red, short towers in blue.

Contractors and facility owners in the wireless fields can also enter in manually the latitude and longitude of a distant location and get the nearby antenna site registration data for that area too.

This app makes use of publicly available FCC data. Tower ID (this app) is not provided by or otherwise affiliated with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), nor the US government.

Tower ID ONLY identifies antenna sites in the USA that are registered with the FCC. Not all towers or antenna sites in the USA are registered. Antenna sites outside the USA are NOT shown.

Download .apk

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