суббота, 4 октября 2014 г.

download MyTraffic APK



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Live traffic and traffic alerts (speed camera, accidents, works in progress) everywhere on your android smartPhone!

Real time traffic alerts and traffic reports from both Android and iPhone community of users, working in synergy!

View online interactive traffic maps for traffic jam, traffic alerts (danger area, works in progress, accidents) and local road conditions.

MyTraffic© is a collaborative application based on a web-service for real time reporting of route congestion worldwide, potentially at the scale of any route network used by its users!

MyTraffic© is the first application ever being totally independent from official information network which refreshing time is often not in adequacy with the required accuracy for route network congestion information and that don't provide any information for secondary routes subnetworks.

Very simple of use, you immediately get visual information depicting route networks congestion on the Map display.

While monitoring your app, you contribute to providing the community with your own real time data, even for only tens of seconds!

Free service without any subscription, broadcast data in a large scale perimeter based on your current location.

Main functionalities:

-Display of the route network congestion overlay, based on a color coding system related to the real-time average speed of user,

-Display of warning, works and radar control (speed camera) notified by users,

-Tag of warning , works and radar control (speed camera) locations.

Download .apk

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