понедельник, 28 апреля 2014 г.

download A+ Kiel Trip Planner 7.0 for free

A+ Kiel Trip Planner


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Download the A+ Kiel Premium app for up-to-date trip planning details and maps for using underground, bus, tram, S-Bahn, and regional public transport across greater metropolitan Kiel area (KVG).

Say you're standing somewhere in Kiel and want to know how to get Home: Our "Take me Home" button calculates your trip with just one click right back to your Home - from any location in and around Kiel

You want to go to another destination? Just use our auto complete function for stations and street names including post code and street name search. All it takes is few taps to find your journey out. Your last destinations are automatically stored as favourites. Next time you will need just one click to plan your trip.

Our map view displays the complete Kiel public transport network on your Android, you can zoom, scroll and select your next departure or see your walking directions to the next Station.

With this app you can do:

* Coprehensive trip calculation with just one click right back to your Home (using GPS capabilities)

* Coprehensive trip calculation to any location in and around Kiel

* Realtime trafic - see all delays in realtime

* See all services departing next from any location

* Search for any destination (Station or Street)

* Tailor trip plans to use a certain transport mode or plan wheelchair accessible trips

* Save your favourite locations


Try our new Innovation: Pocket Nanny - GPS child tracker - no registration, high precision child tracking and super fast definition of guarding zones: http://goo.gl/9l2duV (pocket-nanny.com)



"You need internet connection to use this service. Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. No guarantee for displayed routing information"


Kiel, VRR, tube, trip planner, public transport, bus, journey, metro, tram, underground, routing

Download .apk

Pandorum German filmmaker German filmmaker Christian Alvart, only the horror films Curiosity & the Cat and antibodies previously a screenplay by Travis Milloy posted by Street Gun and just Like Mona. Before. Overture Films brings Pandorum to theaters everywhere on September 4 A+ Kiel Trip Planner 7.0 apk free download .

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