суббота, 28 июня 2014 г.

download Call History Widget free android app

Call History Widget


Download .apk


A nice widget for quick access to the last call log. May have direct access to three functions of it:

- Call;

- Go to contact;

- Get a quick view.

Still possess:

- Custom configuration for each widget;

- Various sizes (scroll ICS);

- Identification of calls per color;

Possess even an icon to access the call history in a simple and fast

Tag:Call log.

Download .apk

James Cameron's underwater escapades are well documented. The innovative blockbuster director is even dip on to the bottom of the Mariana Trench for a National Geographic documentary called Deepsea challenge. But there is a water project he let slide down the drain download Call History Widget Varies with device free android app . Mestreyale director Martin Campbell will now turn The Dive, the fascinating true story of Francisco Ferreras and his wife Audrey Mestre, an apnea couple world records achieved crazy depths only with the breath reaches the lungs. Mestre died in a tragic accident when she hit 557 meters and could not return to the surface in time.

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