суббота, 28 июня 2014 г.

download Wrkout, Workout/HIIT assistant free android app

Wrkout, Workout/HIIT assistant

Health & Fitness

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An Android app for Tabata/HIIT practitioners, fitness and sports fans to workout and do their exercises in a guided, automated and timed manner.

Currently, it relies in the concept of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) which allows looping around multiple exercises with fixed rest and workout/training times, like Tabata.

Tabata is a form of HIIT based on a study by Izumi Tabata. It initially consisted of one exercise carried out intensively during 20 seconds with 10 seconds of rest after it. This exercise was looped 8 times, giving a total of 4 minutes.

It provides the ability for users to define/plan their own (multiple) workouts/trainings by defining lists of exercises and custom timings.

Wrkout is a featureful and supported version of Tabata Trainer, an HIIT free app which you can test and see if you like, prior to purchasing Wrkout.

Features already provided by Tabata Trainer:

- HIIT timer;

- Start/pause/stop controls;

- Definition of rest and exercise time;

- Definition of the number of rounds;

- Definition of any number of exercises, with textual descriptions, that form a custom workout/training;

- Text-to-speech engine to read exercises' names to guide users throughout their workouts/trainings;

- Sound alerts: Resting; Exercising; Darth Vader breath stimulator; Workout completed;

- Languages supported: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and French;

- No ads and no special access permissions required;

- Sound, speech and display sleeping mode configurable;

- Ability to share current workout;

- Horizontal layout and Tablet support;

- Settings;

- Customizable sounds;

- Ability to disable the background gradient.

Unique features provided by Wrkout in comparison to Tabata Trainer:

- Definition of multiple workouts/trainings for quick selection;

- Free reordering of exercises in each workout/training;

- Definition of warm-up time and round rest time;

- Countdown sounds (3, 2, 1)!

Main keywords: workout, fitness, training, hiit, tabata.

Download .apk

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