пятница, 3 октября 2014 г.

Car Radar the CarFinder apk free download

Car Radar the CarFinder


Download .apk

That was yesterday:

You are in a strange city or hiking in an unfamiliar environment.

Suddenly you're wondering ... :

- Where is my car or bike?

- How do I get back to the train station, bus station or hotel?

Car radar today:

This app helps you in finding your starting point!

- Simple, clear, accurate (+ / - 10m <-> signal quality)

- Rate display regardless of the orientation of the mobile phone

- Straight line distance in meters

- No additional costs, no advertising!

- Does not! mobile Network

- Especially suitable for outdoor (GPS only)

- Consumes minimal resources (battery)

- Languages: German, English

Download .apk

As she tied the knot rumors of Fergie and Josh have a family they are already infected download Car Radar the CarFinder 1.1 apk free . He admitted he is looking forward to a father in June, but in September Fergie slamming people, that she is pregnant when she just assumed their diet relaxed.

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