пятница, 3 октября 2014 г.

download MailForSure, private email free android app

MailForSure, private email


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MailForSure - Private and secure email communications

Works with all email services, including Gmail, Hotmail, and corporate email systems.

Secures your messages with advanced cryptography - RSA 2048 bit, AES 256 bit. Only those that have your public key can send you encrypted emails, and you can only send secure emails to those contacts whose public keys you have. The MailForSure app makes public key cryptography easy to use.

This app is highly recommended for small businesses that are looking for a secure corporate email app for their employees.

You are protected from interception by your carrier and by your email provider. Your email provider never has a copy of the unencrypted email.

MailForSure comes with advanced user interface features to make email easier, including contact view sorting.

FAQ - Default email app notifications:

By default, the Android email application will provide notifications on new emails. MailForSure will also provide notifications. This will result in too many notifications. You will want to turn off notifications from the default app and use MailForSure as your primary email application.

1. Go to "Settings" in the default email app.

2. Select the account associated with your email address (may be multiple accounts/email addresses).

3. Uncheck "Email Notifications"

Do this for each of the accounts you may have with the default email app or other downloaded third-party email clients (ie: Gmail app) so that you do not get multiple notifications for emails *from the accounts you have associated with the MailForSure app.*

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Film auteur Jane Campion said her latest effort - a six - parter for the BBC and the Sundance Channel called Top of the Lake - is essentially the anti - CSI procedural, more about textures and a troubled protagonist than about forensics per se download MailForSure, private email 1.0.2 free android app .

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