Social Contact Sync
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Social Contact Sync adds your contacts from social networks to your addressbook, including avatars and status updates from the social network. It integrates seamlessly into Android. Currently, Twitter is fully supported, with more social networks to follow.
You can be notified about a status update by starring the contact. Social Contact Sync supports replying, retweeting, direct messages, sharing tweets, and removing your own tweets.
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In one of the photos click to jump back to the original scans over to TFS Does not that look great download Social Contact Sync 1.1.7 apk .! - It 's Comic-Con is almost time, and that means we have some exciting new photos to function from the latest print edition of Entertainment Weekly, as the film platform scanned! are a whole bunch of new photos from Marc Webb 's The Amazing Spider-Man. This film is already ready to talk of the Con, but Spider-Man is still looking better and better and I'm getting very excited to see what. At Comic-Con Word it's a two-and-a-half-minute trailer in the works somewhere, possibly next week, it would be if true is great. For now, let's jump into the world of The Amazing Spider-Man!
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