пятница, 3 октября 2014 г.

free OB Wheel Suite Pro 1.7.0 torrent download

OB Wheel Suite Pro


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ONE OF THE 9 BEST WORLD HEALTHCARE MOBILE APPLICATIONS according to AppCircus at MEDICA, AppCircus Finalist 2012

IMPORTANT NOTE: This application is intended for healthcare staff such as doctors, nurses, students, etc.

NEW: Bishop Score

This suite contains 3 applications: An OB Wheel, a Body Mass Index and a Bishop Score.

The OB Wheel allows you to calculate information about the patient and the fetus like gestational age by last period date or ultrasound and normality and abnormality parameters both maternal and fetal.

It makes queries by Last Menstrual Period (LMP), Gestation weeks, Ultrasounds and Fundal Height.

In all queries it's possible to obtain the following information (week dependent):

- Fetal Weight in pounds or grams in 90, 50 and 10 percentiles

- Abdominal Circumference in inches or millimeters by Ultrasound in 95 and 5 percentiles

- Mother weight gain in pounds or kilograms in 90 and 25 percentiles

- Fundal Height in inches or centimeters in 90 and 10 percentiles

- Uterine contractions per hour

These data were taken from WHO (World Health Organization) y probed field specialist, these data are available in both International and Imperial system. The data interpretation must be done by medical staff only

This OB Wheel is more accurate than a physical OB Wheel because it considers leap years so the sum Dates is more accurate.

The Body Mass Index (BMI) allows you to calculate the BMI based on height and weight, plus it shows the respective BMI Range and the ideal weight.

The Bishop Score is a pre-labor scoring system to assist in predicting whether induction of labor will be required. It has also been used to assess the odds of spontaneous preterm delivery. The total score is achieved by assessing the following five components on vaginal examination: Cervical dilation, Cervical effacement, Cervical consistency, Cervical position, Fetal station

All applications work with Imperial and Metric System, this can be changed in the application settings.

This application is very useful for healthcare staff because it allows them to know very quickly and accurately important information during medical consultation.

Please contact us at info@adfeelonline.com if you want to help translate this application to your language.

Languages Available: English, Spanish.

If you have any suggestion, comment or question please contact us at info@adfeelonline.com before publishing comment in the store.

More information about the award here:


Keywords: ob wheel, obwheel, due date, estimated date of delivery, baby, fetus, delivery, labor, birth, pregnancy, calculator, ultrasound, LMP, Gestation, Uterus, Fundal Height, Percentile, Mom, Mother,Maternal, Maternity, BMI, Body Mass Index, Bishop score.


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Remember when everyone thought Cloverfield was a Voltron movie? Now, in August last year announced Fox that they are preceded with their own Voltron:. Defender of the Universe movie, putting that rumor to rest Cloverfield A year and we finally got an update from Fox - they dumping the project but Relativity Media has come to the rescue. The production company is still looking the film to develop, but with a limited budget cost-effective technology cost-effective technology, as Zack Snyder used in 300 download OB Wheel Suite Pro 1.7.0 free android app . Apparently part of the problem was, I personally think for Fox originally obtain the rights is seems like it is ready to work with Justin Marks ' script is still intact even going.

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